We are pleased to introduce a partnership with Advance Medical for expert medical opinions.
Advance Medical is available to all subscribers and covered dependents enrolled in any SISC PPO, HMO, or Kaiser medical plan.
The services are free to our members.
Advance Medical can assist patients with medical conditions by providing answers to their healthcare questions
and ensuring they are receiving the best possible care. Patients’ medical cases are reviewed by doctors identified as world-leading experts in their fields of specialty. Members who access this service are able to speak directly with a specialist once their case is established. It is ideally suited to help members when they:
- Are dealing with complex medical conditions
- Are considering surgery or a major procedure
- Have questions about managing a health condition
- Would like to get a second opinion regarding a documented diagnosis or treatment plan
Members may reach Advance Medical by phone 1-855-201-9925 or online at www.advance-medical.net/sisc
All SISC households will be mailed information on this service soon.
We want to make sure our membership is aware of this valuable benefit. As a supplement to the mailing, you can use the attached sample message and flyer to get the word out through your internal communication resources.
If you have questions or would like additional information, you may contact your SISC Account Management team at 661-636-4410.