To request a change from your child's school of attendance into or out of the Lake Elsinore Unified School District, you will need an Inter-district Transfer permit from the Child Welfare and Attendance Office.
Parents of students living within the boundaries of LEUSD may request an Inter-district Transfer to attend another district (BP 5117, AR 5117). California Education Code 46600 - 46611 outlines the reasons for which a transfer may be approved, and the appeal process.
Parents who reside in another school district may request an Inter-district Transfer if they would like their children to attend school in LEUSD. This transfer request is to be completed in the home district of residence.
Inter-district Transfer OUT of LEUSD(click here, or arrow at right, to see more)
Inter-district Transfer INTO LEUSD (click here, or arrow at right, to see more)
Inter-district Transfer Guidelines and Information(click here, or arrow at right, to see more)