Marisol Aguilar
SARB Liaison
Shanah Tompkins
SARB Liaison
What is the purpose of SARB?
What is the purpose of SARB?
The purpose of the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) is to build relationships with students and families in order to mitigate the barriers that students face in attending school. SARB is used as a positive intervention to improve graduation rates and reduce dropout rates for students with continuous attendance challenges. During the SARB meeting, comprehensive services and referrals to community agencies can be offered to students and families who need intensive help beyond what the district can provide.
The SARB process begins at the school. The school can do the following:
If the student's attendance does not improve after these steps are taken, the student is referred to SARB.
What happens at the SARB hearing?
How do you get help from SARB?
Marisol Aguilar 951-805-2357 SARB Liaison
What can SARB recommend for students?
Facts related to nonattendance…
Specific laws related to attendance:
Q: |
What is SARB |
A: |
The School Attendance Review Board (SARB) was established by legislation in California in 1975 for the purpose of: 1. Making a better effort to meet the needs of students with attendance problems in school; and, 2. Promoting the use of alternatives to the juvenile court system. SARB is specifically charged with finding solutions to resolve student attendance or discipline problems.
SARB seeks to understand why students are experiencing attendance or discipline problems and serves as a vehicle to correct these problems
Q: |
What are the ages of students who can be referred to SARB? |
A: |
California education code requires students between the ages of 6-18 to attend school daily. SARB has the discretion to accept referrals for students within this age range, but earlier intervention has proven to be the most effective. For this reason, factors such as age, credits towards graduation, and extent of intervention at the school site level are all considered when a decision is being made regarding acceptance of a specific high school case. Historically, the juvenile court would not accept referrals for students older than 16 years of age, but they have softened this rule and will consider older students in some cases. Please contact our office if you have questions about a specific case." |
Q: |
Who identifies students who have attendance problems? |
A: |
The attendance clerk, through weekly reports and family contacts, identifies students with attendance concerns. The clerk should run excessive absence reports on a regular basis and provide to the site Attendance Team to begin interventions. |
Q: |
Who sends out the Notification of Truancy letter? |
A: |
Schools are currently responsible for sending all letters. |
Q: |
What if a student has excessive illnesses that the nurse feels are unjustified? |
A: |
The nurse has two letters that address illnesses. The first letter requires verification by a doctor or school nurse for future absences to be excused. If the nurse determines the illnesses are not legitimate, the absences should be coded as Unexcused if there is no doctor verification. Medical notes should be specific as to the amount of time being excused. The nurse's letters are valid for one year from the date sent. |
Q: |
What is SARB's responsibility when a student transfers to another school district? |
A: |
SARB will contact the receiving school/district and inform them of the active case. |
Q: |
Do school personnel participate in SARB hearings? |
A: |
It is required that the referring counselor or administrator attend the hearing so he/she can present the case, assist in the development of the SARB contract and follow through with the site responsibilities. |
Q: |
Can special education students be referred? |
A: |
Yes. The IEP Team must determine that attendance is not part of the student's disability and that it is an appropriate referral. The IEP must be current. |