Lake Elsinore Unified School District

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Safety and Risk Services » Volunteering


How to Volunteer at LEUSD



Volunteer applications may be picked up at each school site or printed from this web page through links below. 

Volunteering is a privilege and a service that teachers and staff truly appreciate. All volunteers must however, have a helpful task to perform under the direct or indirect supervision of a District employee. Volunteer ID badges should be worn at all times a person is volunteering.  Volunteer badges now show TB expiration and will need to be replaced when that date has expired.

All volunteers (except current employees and substitute employees) must be processed for an "A" red badge first. Current employees and substitute employees need only fill out an Intent to Renew Form* to register as a Volunteer "B" (purple badge) at their child’s school. Neither a red-A nor purple-B volunteer badge gives a volunteer permission to hang out with their student during meals or visit with other adults while on campus. Un-enrolled siblings/children of volunteers or employees are not permitted in the classroom during the school day (instructional time).
LEUSD Volunteer Process Chart for First Time Volunteers

"A" Badge Process

  1. Pick up a volunteer packet from your school site office or print from this site.
  2. Read the entire packet and complete the required information.
  3. Have your child’s teacher and principal sign on the first page.
  4. Obtain proof of a current negative TB test or chest x-ray (within the last year).
  5. Once forms are completed call (951) 253-7181 or email ([email protected]) Safety and Risk to schedule an appointment.
  6. Your photo will be taken and you will receive your "A" badge at that time.

"B" Badge Process (Starts ONLY after "A" Badge process is complete)

  1. Fingerprinting will be completed at your initial appointment at no cost to you (processing you as an  "A" badge).
  2. You may also complete a Request for Live Scan Services form here at the District office for fingerprint services through another vendor (anticipated cost of $42 - $52; prices vary by location). Fingerprint clearance is specific to each agency and cannot be “shared.” Fingerprint clearance only has to be done once and does not have to be re-done for as long as an applicant continues as a volunteer with LEUSD.
  3. Fingerprint results are sent directly to our District Office from the Department of Justice. (allow approximately 2 weeks). 
  4. You will receive a phone call when approved for purple "B" badge and your badge will be send to your child's school site when ready.  

* Renewal Process

To renew your badge you must fill out an Intent to Renew form at the beginning of every school year.  Intent to Renew forms may be used only by those who are already registered volunteers or current LEUSD employees.

The Intent to Renew form requires a current year teacher and principal signature.  This form can be obtained at any school office or through the link above. 
The school site will send the completed signed Intent to Renew form to Safety & Risk Services to update the records. You do not need to hand deliver to the District Office for processing.  If the TB has not expired, the volunteer is able to volunteer at that time after paperwork is processed.  The school site personnel can check a master database for currently registered volunteers and TB expiration dates. New badges will not be issued every school year. Please continue to use the original badge.
Safety & Risk Services will replace any lost or broken volunteer badges at no charge. Renewal volunteer applicants are required by law to update their TB tests every four years.



The Lake Elsinore Unified School District is offering several opportunities during the 2024-2025 school year for district employees/current parent volunteers to receive CPR, First Aid and AED Training.  The classes offered are on first come, first-served basis. To reserve your spot in advance, please contact Safety & Risk Services by phone or email.

The classes will be held Saturday on the following dates:

August 24, 2024

September 21, 2024

October 26, 2024

December 7, 2024

January 25,2025

February 22, 2025

March 15, 2025

April 26, 2025

May 17, 2025

June 7, 2025

 Each class will be a maximum of 30 employees. The recertification class will be 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Each participant will receive a student workbook and CPR/FA/AED card at the end of training.

To attend a class, call (951-253-7181) or

Email [email protected]:Safety & Risk

Scheduling an Appointment
Processing volunteer applications are by appointment only Monday through Friday.

Call  951-253-7181  OR   EMAIL [email protected].CA.US to schedule an appointment.

Safety & Risk Services
Lake Elsinore Unified School District
545 Chaney Street
Building A
Lake Elsinore, California
Fax: 951-253-7125