Title I regulations require that districts receiving Title I, Part A funds to annually develop, implement, review, update, and approve the LEA as well as to monitor and evaluate the implementation of, and results achieved by, the Title I programs. The District must revise its LEA as necessary based on the results of the evaluation.
Each year, the District shall evaluate the Local Educational Agency (LEA) Plan to identify the following:
- Strategies taken
- What is working
- What is not working
- Modifications based on the evaluation of the results of the five goals outlined in the LEA Plan.
Sample guiding questions to evaluate the effectiveness of programs specified in the SPSA:
- The LEA allocates Title I funds to support the computer technician. How is this position over and above what all sites received? How does this position impact student learning and academic achievement? What data are you using to drive this discussion? If this program has helped improve student learning, what can be done to make it even better? If this expenditure has not had a positive impact on student achievement, what will be done to modify, change, or replace it?
- The LEA allocates Title I funds for books and materials. Are these materials supplemental to the core program? How do these materials impact student learning and academic achievement? What data is this decision based on? If the usage of these materials has helped improve student learning, what can be done to make it even better? If this expenditure has not had a positive impact on student achievement, what will be done to modify, change, or replace it?
To view the Board approved 2015-16 LEA Plan in its entirety, please open the printer friendly version under the link at right of page.