Lake Elsinore Unified School District

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Board Meetings

Governing Board Meetings

Governing Board meetings are held for the purpose of setting or amending district policies, acting on recommendations by the Superintendent on matters such as personnel changes, educational programs, maintenance and operations, the operating and facilities budgets, student services, and the spending of budgeted funds.

Meeting Location*

The Board typically meets in the Board Room at the District Office, 545 Chaney Street, Lake Elsinore. Under certain circumstances, the Board may elect to hold meetings in an alternate venue. The location of each meeting will be listed in the agenda for that meeting.

Meeting Dates & Times

The Board meets the second Thursday of each month unless otherwise noted. Meetings are open to the public, with the exception of closed session. The Board will meet in closed session in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act beginning at 4 p.m., and will convene open session at 6 p.m., unless otherwise posted (view or download a pamphlet about California's open meeting law for local agencies). Board meeting dates are subject to change, in accordance with Brown Act act notification requirements.

Special Meetings

The Board may occasionally call a special meeting. Announcements for these meetings will be posted 24 hours before the meeting, in accordance with the Brown Act.

Meeting Agendas

By law, the Governing Board cannot hold a regular meeting unless an agenda for the meeting has been posted 72 hours in advance. Special Meetings may be noticed 24 hours in advance. Agendas are typically posted at the District Office the Friday before each meeting, and on the district web site agenda page.

If you have difficulty finding the meeting records you are seeking, please telephone or email the Executive Secretary at (951) 253-7005.