This page is only to be used by parents / guardians who are registering a brand new student to LEUSD (that is, families that have no other children enrolled in the district).
If you are registering for Kindergarten or Transitional Kindergarten (TK), please continue to step 1 below
If you currently have an enrolled student(s), and wish to register a new sibling or child, STOP, use the "Continuing Student and Returning Families" registration page linked at right.
Step 1: Prepare Required Documents
- Click here to view the list of required documents to ensure you have all the necessary documentation to register your student.
- Birth Certificate, Residency Verification, Immunizations, and transcripts may be uploaded electronically during registration.
- New kindergarten students must submit their physical exam and oral health assessment directly to their school site once the registration process is complete.
Step 2: Complete Online Registration
New Student Registration Link
- To use the above link for registration, a parent or guardian must have a valid email address.
- If registering a new student for Kindergarten or Transitional Kindergarten, and if the parent or guardian does not have a valid email address for registration, please contact your student's school to schedule an appointment.
If you are experiencing problems with online enrollment, please make sure your computer allows pop-ups. When your confirmation number is returned, please minimize the window in order to view your next step in the registration process.