Lake Elsinore Unified School District

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most common student health & wellness inquiries we receive
1. How can my child receive medication at school? A. Education Code 49423 authorizes that any pupil who is required to take, during the regular school day, medication prescribed for him/her by a physician, may be assisted by the school nurse or other designated personnel if the school district receives written permission from both the parent and the physician.
  • All medications must be brought to school by a parent or adult in the original, labeled container.
  • All medication authorizations must be renewed each school year.
  • Medication must be stored in the Health Office with the exception of asthma inhalers and EpiPens (if authorization to carry has been ordered by physician).
  • Medications must be brought into the Health Office by the parent/ legal guardian and not by the child/ student.
If your child requires medication while at school: a. Print the appropriate form from the list below b. Sign the parent/guardian portion c. Have your child’s physician complete the physician’s portion d. Parent to return the completed form to the Health Office with the medication (original, labeled container required). Refer to link: Medication at School 

2. How do I know if my child is too sick to attend school? A. It is often difficult for parents to know whether their children are too sick to attend classes. Here are some general guidelines:

Keep at Home...if your child exhibits the following signs/symptoms:
  • Fever of 100 degrees and above (measured orally)
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Flu-like symptoms: body aches, fever, headache
  • Persistent coughing and cannot attend to instruction
Send to School...if your child exhibits mild signs/symptoms:
  • Ear infection, no pain
  • Eye infection (after 24 hours of treatment)
  • Minor cold: runny nose, cough, sneezing, sore throat
  • Infestation of scabies or lice (after 24 hours of treatment)
  • Cold sores (sore should be covered if possible)
  • Strep throat (after 24 hours of medication)
  • Vague “I don’t feel good” symptoms
►BEFORE sending your child to school, be sure s/he is without fever, vomiting, diarrhea for at least 24 hours without a fever reducing medication (i.e., acetaminophen, ibuprofen).

See a Doctor...if your child is experiencing the following signs/symptoms, which may indicate a more serious condition:
  • Undiagnosed skin rash
  • Suspected eye infection
  • Flu-like symptoms: body aches, fever, headache 

3. How do you handle lice at school? A. Criteria for exclusion: Visible active, adult head lice (active means alive and/or moving). It is important for parents to notify the Health Office when they discover lice on their children. Your child will be excluded from school while you treat the head lice according to the guidelines below:
A. The designated school personnel will inspect the head of any student reasonably suspected of having head lice as soon as possible.

B. If two or more students in a classroom are found to have head lice, we inspect all of the students in that classroom. Additional classrooms may be screened if students routinely change classes for instruction ( i.e. reading/math groups).
C. We check close contacts (i.e., best friends, other siblings, or students living in the home) of the excluded student for the presence of active, adult head lice as soon as possible and send form #7152 home with contacts.
D. We inspect the heads of siblings of a student found to have head lice. If siblings are known to be at another school within the District, the health clerk will alert the health clerk at that school.
E. Your child may return to school when you bring your child to the school’s Health Office for examination by the Nurse or Health Clerk, and no live lice or evidence of live lice are found, AND a Verification of Treatment form has been completed and returned to the Health Office.

 5. How do I update my student's health information? A. Please call your child's health office to notify the school immediately if there is a change in your child's health condition or medication. Also, please notify the school in writing when communicating changes in emergency contact information.