Lake Elsinore Unified School District

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Part-Day Preschool (3-4 years old)

Part Day       CSPP
Free, center-based program for qualifying families of children 3 and 4 years old.
3 hours per day, 180 days per year, Monday through Friday.
* Based on income. Families receiving CalFresh, CalWorks, or SNAP automatically qualify!
The part-day State Preschool offers:
3 hours per day
180 days per year
Monday through Friday
AM Session 8:15 - 11:15 am
PM Session 12:00 - 3:00 pm
*Based on income. See State Preschool guidelines below.
2024-25 State Preschool Income Guidelines *
Family Size Yearly Income Monthly Income 15% Over Monthly Income
1-2 $93,110 $7,759 $8,923
3 $105,482 $8,790 $10,109
4 $122,993 $10,249 $11,787
5 $142,672 $11,889 $13,673
6 $162,350 $13,529 $15,559
7 $166,040 $13,837 $15,912
8 $169,730 $14,144 $16,266
9 $173,420 $14,452 $16,619
10 $177,109 $14,759 $16,793
11 $180,799 $15,067 $17,327
12 $184,489 $15,374 $17,680