Campus Instruction is the user interface specifically for teachers to accomplish most of their day-to-day activities. If they need to look up more detailed information on specific students, they still have access to Campus Tools by click in the 3 X 3 array in the upper right of their screen and choosing Campus Tools as an option.
This video demonstrates how to view messages in the MessageCenter. The MessageCenterin Campus Instruction displays all process alerts and announcements for teachers.
The MessageCenter in Campus Instruction allows teachers to create missing assignment message templates. This video demonstrates how to create missing assignment message templates in the MessageCenter.
This video demonstrates how to send general class messages in the MessageCenter. The MessageCenter in Campus Instruction allows teachers to send general class messagesto students
The MessageCenter allows teachers to create general class message templates that can be used at a later. This video demonstrates how to create general class messagetemplates for students and/or guardians.
The MessageCenter in Campus Instruction allows teachers to create grades-related message templates … This video demonstrates how to create grades-related message templates in the MessageCenter
Teachers can send missing assignment messages in the MessageCenter. This video demonstrates how to send missing assignment messages to selected guardians in a section.
Teachers can send grades-related messages in the MessageCenter. … This video demonstrates how to send grades-related messagesto selected students and guardians in a section
This video demonstrates how to configure assignment categories. Using Categories teachers can group related assignments for sorting and grade calculation.
Assignment categories are collections of assignments that count toward a grading task or standard and must be created before assignments can be entered.
Step 1 (Optional) Copy an assignment category via Grade Book
The Category Copier tool allows teachers to copy categories from one of their sections to another.This video demonstrates how to copy assignment categories.
After you create or copy categories, you can use the similar tool, Assignment Copier, to copy assignments from section to section, or year to year.
Step 2 Determine grade calculations for a course section via Grade Book Setup
From many places within Campus Instruction, teachers can quickly create new assignments using the assignment editor. The assignment editor is the same in all locations. In this video, you will learn how to create a new assignment
From My Curriculum in the Planner, teachers can create assignments for a course section. This video demonstrates how to create an assignment for a course section.
Assignments can be modified wherever assignments are listed, including the Grade Book, Progress Monitor, Planner, or Assignment Overview. This video demonstrates how to manage scored assignment details and alignments in the grade book.
Step 4 Grading Assignments, adding flags, and comments in the Grade Book
The Grade Book allows teachers to enter scores, flags, and comments for an assignment. This video demonstrates how to enter scores, flags, and comments in the Grade Book.
From the Grade Book, teachers can add scores, flags and comments for each assignment. In this lesson, a teacher needs to enter scores, flags and comments for a recent assignment.
The Assignment Overview groups assignments by Standard/Task and Category. … The Assignment Overview provides a list of all assignments in a section, grouped by Standard/Task and Category
The Grade Book Settings can be configured by teachers to determine how student scores should display in the Grade Book. In this lesson, a teacher needs to modify display settings to focus on specific students and assignments to review student performance.
Grade Book Keyboard Shortcuts
Arrow keys move to the score cell in the direction of the arrow, Tab moves to the right, Enter moves down.
ALT+> changes to the next task within the currently selected term.
ALT+< changes back one task within the currently selected term.
ALT+A expands or collapses the Assignment detail panel for entering comments, statuses and mass filling values.
ALT+S expands or collapses the Student detail panel to see more student demographics and a graph of student performance.
The Grade Book within Campus Instruction can be used by teachers to postgrades and comments for grading … In this lesson, an elementary school teacher and a high school teacher needs to post student grades.
The Advisory tool helps teachers identify areas of improvement for students during classes such as advisory, homeroom, or study hall. In this video teachers will learn how to view student information from the Advisory tool.
From Campus Instruction, teachers can generate many different reports to analyze, track, and summarize commonly used features like attendance, assignments, and schedules. This video provides an overview of some commonly used reports and the available reporting tools.
From Campus Instruction, teachers can generate many different reports to analyze, track, and summarize commonly used features like attendance, assignments, and schedules. In this simulation, a teacher would like to generate some reports to help him prepare his students for the end of the school year.