Lake Elsinore Unified School District

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School-Age Expanded Learning Opportunity » EXCEL Before & After School Expanded Learning Program

EXCEL Before & After School Expanded Learning Program

EXCEL Before and After School Program
Excelling our 
Community through

Our Mission 

Lake Elsinore Unified School District EXCEL Expanded Learning Program is committed to providing children in our community with high quality, no-cost Expanded Learning Programs. These opportunities, beyond the regular school day, will empower students and build academic skills, enrich health and wellness while supporting students socially and emotionally. Students will discover talents and interests that can potentially invite them to explore exciting options for their future and engage in their community in a safe and encouraging environment to reach their full potential in school and in life. EXCEL Before and After School programs are available at ALL Elementary, TK-8 and Middle Schools in LEUSD and will provide enrichment opportunities at no-cost in STEAM, Academic Support in ELA and Math, Visual and Performing arts and Physical Fitness/Sports.


Providing a clear sense of purpose to all students in the LEUSD community through the EXCEL Expanded Learning program is necessary to promote academic achievement, provide enrichment and support for those in poverty or with safety, housing, health and wellness insecurities. LEUSD uses Expanded Learning Opportunities Program and After-School Education and Safety Program funding to provide EXCEL programing.

Please click the links below to review ELOP board approved plan and ASES Plan



EXCEL 2024-2025 Application information:

  • Before School, TK-K Gap & After School applications are now being accepted - All applications received  after July 1,2024 have been placed on a WAITLIST at ALL sites. We will communicate to you via email as spots become available.

    EXCEL 2025-2026 Application information:

  • APPLICATIONS OPEN MARCH 3, 2025 -All families will need to apply annually via your annual update or new enrollment through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal (please look for the pleat marked EXCEL Before and After School)

  • You will be informed of your application status to the program July 1, 2025 Via Email provided as contact #1 in your child's IC information

  • SPACE IS LIMITED and Priority given to Foster, Homeless, English Language Learners, Low Socioeconomic students AS REQUIRED BY Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP) state law requirements.  Applications will NOT be taken on a first come first serve basis.

EXCEL Program information:

EXCEL is offered at all Elementary,TK-8 Schools and Middle Schools in LEUSD

  • Students attending Keith McCarthy Academy are eligible to enroll at their home school sites

  • EXCEL will start  August 11, 2025 

  • Before-School Program: Elementary and TK-8 School sites = 6:30AM - Start of Breakfast

  • TK/K Gap Care Program: Elementary and TK-8 School sites =  End of TK/K school day till 1:45 (dismissal times vary at sites).

  • After-School Program: at all Elementary, TK-8 Schools and Middle Schools = End of school day until 6:00PM.

  • Dismissal times: Two times are available = 4:00PM at all Elementary and TK-8 sites (with a 10 min grace period), 4:30PM at all Middle Schools (with a 10 min grace period) and 6:00PM (pick up may start as early as 5:30). You must choose one of the two times for pick up.

  • Early dismissal at times other that above, will be allowed only if arranged and an early dismissal form is on file with the site supervisors.  

  •  Parents will be required to attend a mandatory parent meeting at the school site - Dates and Times will be posted on Parent Square before the start of the school year.

  • EXCEL programs follow the LEUSD School Year Calendar below and is available on days school is in session.

  • Please check with your school site or district web site  for information on Intersession, ELO Saturday and Summer Programs (this is a separate enrollment)

Contact us:

[email protected]

(951) 253-7000 x105243 


Office Location:

Instructional Support Services
565 Chaney St., Bldg. C
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
Office hours:
8:00am - 4:00pm