Lake Elsinore Unified School District

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The home page of the Measure V Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee


As a result of the November 8, 2016 passage of Measure V, a $105 million LEUSD school bond measure, a Citizens' Oversight Committee (COC) has been formed pursuant to Proposition 39 and applicable State law, for the principal purpose of informing the public concerning the use of bond proceeds from the District's Measure V Bond program.

Measure V Bond Election

Measure V authorizes the use of Proposition 39 general obligation bonds to pay for facilities and improvements, technology to support high quality instruction, new classroom construction, school safety, campus security, upgrades to playfields, athletics, performing arts and music, and improving energy efficiency district-wide.  Proposition 39 requires a 55% supermajority of the voters voting for bond measure approval; LEUSD's Measure V was passed by a 66.74% majority. We thank voters for their overwhelming support!

Role of the Citizens' Oversight Committee

The primary role of the Citizens' Oversight Committee is to actively review and report to the public on the expenditure of bond funds for school construction and technology improvements based on the list of projects included in the Measure V bond measure, as well as to receive and review annual independent performance and financial audits.  


Committee responsibilities are outlined in California Education Code Section 15278(b) and the District’s Citizens' Oversight Committee Policies and Regulations and include:

  • Inform the public concerning the District’s expenditure of Measure V bond proceeds;
  • Review expenditure reports produced by the District to help ensure that Measure V bond proceeds were expended only for the school facilities and improvement projects authorized by Measure V;
  • Present to the Board, in public session, an annual written report outlining the Committee’s activities and conclusions regarding the expenditure of Measure V bond proceeds.

COC Membership Roster and Application

LEUSD has published current COC members and COC service information on the COC Member Application page.


For questions, or inquiries:

James Judziewicz

Assistant Superintendent  Facilities and Operations 


[email protected]