Lake Elsinore Unified School District

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Policies » Title I

Title I

Parent Involvement Policy

The Lake Elsinore Unified School District Board of Trustees recognizes that a child’s education is a responsibility shared by school and family during the entire period the child spends in school.  To support the district and state mission to educate all students effectively, schools and parents must work as knowledgeable partners. (BP 6020(a))

Comprehensive programs of parent involvement require schools to involve parents at all grade levels in a variety of roles.  These programs should be designed to:

  1. Help parents develop parenting skills and foster conditions at home that support their children’s efforts in learning.
  2. Provide parents with the knowledge of techniques designed to assist their children in learning at home.
  3. Provide access to and coordinate community and support services for children and families.
  4. Promote clear, two-way communication between school and family about school programs and children’s progress.
  5. Involve parents, with appropriate training, in instructional and support roles at the school.
  6. Support parents as decision-makers and develop their leadership in governance, advisory and advocacy roles.

These six types of involvement are not mutually exclusive and require a coordinated effort.  Success cannot be the sole responsibility of any single program or group of individuals.


Although parents come to the school with diverse cultures, languages, and needs, they overwhelmingly share the school’s commitment to the educational success of their children.  The district and schools, in collaboration with parents, have a responsibility to establish and develop programs and practices that enhance parent involvement and reflect the specific needs of students and families.


Parents/Guardians of children enrolled in the district shall have regular opportunities to make recommendations on the educational needs of their children and in ways in which they can help their children to derive benefits from their instructional program.  These opportunities may include, but not be limited to the following:


  • An annual, flexible meeting to inform parents of Title I students the Title I requirements and their rights to be involved in the Title I program.
  • Planning, reviewing and improving the Title I program and Title I Parent Involvement Policy in an organized, ongoing and timely way.
  • Regular two-way communication between the district and schools.
  • Scheduled parent meetings to explain curriculum, assessments and proficiency levels students are expected to make.
  • Participation in committee decision-making related to the education of their children.  (Title I, SSC, ELAC, DELAC…)

Each school receiving Title I funds shall jointly develop and distribute to parents of students participating in the Title I program, a written school-level Title I Parent Involvement Policy agreed upon by the parents in accordance with the requirements of federal law.  In addition, a school-parent compact is jointly developed and describes the following items in addition to items added by parents of Title I students:


  • The school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction.
  • The parents’ responsibility to support their children’s learning.


Lake Elsinore Unified School District engages Title I parents in meaningful interactions within the district.  It supports a partnership among staff, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement.  To help reach these goals, the District schedules three calendared District Title I Parent Summits yearly.  Here, materials and training are provided to parents to support them in working with their students to improve their children’s achievement.  Staff is educated yearly in the value of parent contributions and how to work with parents as equal partners.  Title I Parent Involvement Programs are coordinated and integrated with other programs, such as Head Start and Special Education.


Regardless of limited English proficiency, disabilities, or high transience, Lake Elsinore Unified School District provides opportunities for all Title I parents to participate.  This includes providing information and school reports in the parents’ home language and in a format that parents can understand.


Board Policies Online

All LEUSD board policies and administrative rules are posted online on GAMUT. View the Board Policies page for how to login to GAMUT.

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