Lake Elsinore Unified School District

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Good news for any former LEUSD student denied a diploma due to CAHSEE exam changes!

Some good news for former Lake Elsinore Unified School District students denied a diploma for failing to pass the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE).

The state has recently waived the California High School Exit Exam as a graduation requirement.

Therefore, beginning with the Class of 2006, all students denied a diploma because of the California High School Exit Exam will now be awarded a diploma.

Beginning Tuesday, January 19th your diploma and a transcript will be available at the high school you attended. If you attended Valley Adult or Tri-Valley Community Day Schools you may pick up your diploma and transcript at Ortega High School. Please bring a photo ID with you.

If you should have any questions, please call the district at 951-253-7046.
